5 Jail-escaping Movie You Must Watch

The Shawshank Redemption(1994)

The story of this film is jail-escape which is directed with great technique. Indeed the story of The Shawshank Redemption is quite simple but serves the quality for enjoyment. Of course, the jail-escaping of this movie is unique and notable. How a man lives in a jail for a few years in prison happily and suddenly escape from jail following a great technique is admirable. Go for it.

           Andy Dufresne was sent to Shawshank prison for killing his wife. Though he has not committed the crime. After going to jail he was very alone. But as the day passes by he became favorite to everyone even the jailer himself. The twist in this film is that no one even his near and dear friend in the prison was unknown to his plan of escaping from jail. Eventually, at the end of the film, Andy achieves his ends in his own term.

Director: Frank Darabont

Cast: Morgan Freeman, Tim Robins, Clancy Brown, Rita Hayworth

Duration: 2h 22min
 Genre: Action / Crime / Drama 

The Great Escape(1963)

The Great Escape is a 1963 American World War II epic film based on an escape by British Commonwealth prisoners of war from a German POW camp during World War II. The characters are based on real men, and in some cases are composites of several men.

Based on a true story, "The Great Escape" deals with the largest Allied escape attempt from a German POW camp during the Second World War. The first part of the film focuses on the escape efforts within the camp and the process of secretly digging an escape tunnel. The second half of the film deals with the massive effort by the German Gestapo to track down the over 70 escaped prisoners who are at this point throughout the Third Reich attempting to make their way to England and various neutral countries.

Director: John Sturges
Cast: Seve McQueen, James Gamer, Richard Attenborough
Duration: 2h 53min
 Genre: Drama / Thriller / War  

Escape from Alcatraz(1979)

The June 1962 Alcatraz escape may have been the only successful escape from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary in that facility's history. Late on the night of June 11 or early morning of June 12, inmates Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, and Frank Morris tucked poppier-mâché heads resembling their own likenesses into their beds, broke out of the main prison building via an unused utility corridor, and departed Alcatraz Island aboard an improvised inflatable raft to an uncertain fate.
The true story of three inmates who attempt a daring escape from the infamous prison, Alcatraz Island. Although no-one had managed to escape before, bank robber Frank Morris masterminded this elaborately detailed and, as far as anyone knows, ultimately successful, escape. In 29 years, this seemingly impenetrable federal penitentiary, which housed Al Capone and "Birdman" Robert Stroud, was only broken once by three inmates never heard of again.

Director: Don Seigel
Cast: Clint Eastwood, Roberts Blossom, Danny Glover
Duration: 1h 52min
 Genre: Drama / Thriller 


A semi-fictional account of Henri Charrière's time in the penal system in French Guyana - some of it spent on infamous Devil's Island - is presented. It's the early 1930s. Charrière - nicknamed Papillon because of his butterfly tattoo - and Louis Dega are two among many who have been convicted in the French judicial system, they now being transferred to French Guyana where they will serve their time, never to return to France even if they are ever released. A safe-cracker by criminal profession, Papillon is serving a life sentence for murdering a pimp, a crime for which he adamantly states he was framed. Dega is a wealthy counterfeiter, who expects his well-to-do wife eventually to get him released. On Papillon's initiative, Papillon and Dega enter into a business arrangement: Papillon will provide protection for Dega, while Dega will finance Papillon's escape attempt. As Papillon and Degas' time together lasts longer than either expects, their burgeoning friendship ends up being an important factor altering their original plans, needed as they work with and against others who are trying to achieve their own goals, sometimes conflicting with Papillon and Dega's.

Director: Franklin J. Schaffner
Cast: Steve McQueen, Dustin Hoffman
Duration: 2h 31min
 Genre: Crime / Drama 

Escape Plan(2013)

Ray Breslin is a renowned specialist in prison breaking in high-security facilities. He owns a company with his partner Lester Clark and he works with his coworkers and friends Abigail and Hush. Breslin follows three basic rules to escape: to know the layout; observe the routine, and get internal or external support to the getaway. Then he delivers a report with the flaws in the system to his client. Breslin and his team are visited by the CIA agent Jessica Miller that offers five-million dollars to him to test a state-of-art facility. Breslin accepts the challenge but soon he learns that he was double-crossed. The cruel prison ward Hobbes gives special attention to Breslin, following the instructions of his client and uses his right arm Drake to break Breslin. But the inmate Rottmayer gets close to Breslin and helps him to find a way to escape and find who betrayed him. 

Director: Mikael Håfström
Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Caviezel
Duration: 1h 56min
 Genre: Drama / Mystery / Sc. Fiction 

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